Karabagh prayer rug, second half 19th century

Measurements: 161cm x 109cm (5’3 x 3’7)

56 Knots per inch

Price: £2,800

This is a delightful little prayer rug with some interesting features. The bottom section is quite different from the rest of the field, note the odd tree like structure on the left with its random decoration. It looks like it was added to fill and balance the field and then perhaps the weaver decided to revert to a more standard hooked motif for the rest of the rug. The two reciprocal borders frame the inner conjoined star border, there is also a white border that intrudes into the central field. Note how crudely drawn this is at the bottom, this is often seen on rugs and can be quite extreme in some pieces as if the weaver was getting to grips with the design as they created it. The piece is beautfully topped off with the two figures either side of the mihrab. One to me looks much happier than the other but neither of them are as happy as I am to have this beauty in my collection.


Very good condition, much of the brown field has been expertly re-piled.